
Business address


Chemfidence Services GmbH
Industrial Park Höchst, Building H831
D 65926 Frankfurt am Main

Phone: +49 69 305 – 82748
Fax:    +49 69 305 – 82500


Register court: Frankfurt am Main
Commercial Register No. HRB 50099, issued by District Court of Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Sales Tax ID-No.  DE 813044669
VAT Identification No. DE 4601408

Managing Directors

Dr. Michael Wohlers, Eberhard Zorn


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Chemfidence Services GmbH assumes no guarantee or the up-to-date status, accuracy, integrity or quality of the online content presented on this website. Liability claims against solvadis deutschland gmbh, alluding to damages of a material or ideal nature, which allegedly have been caused through the use and/or non-use of information and/or incorrect/incomplete information presented on this website are hereby excluded, unless gross negligence or malicious intent can be proven evident in a German court of law. All commercial offers are without obligation and non-binding. chemfidence services gmbh reserves the exclusive right to change, add or remove commercial offers in part or in whole, without prior notice, and/or to block online content temporarily or permanently without prior notice.

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